kathyw@citycarecounseling.org | 949.324.2158

Throughout my life and previous career, I have been sought out by others who found in me an empathetic listener and encourager. After twenty years of using this gifting as a development professional, I felt a calling to pursue training as a therapist and went back to school at age 60. Earning an M.A. degree in Counseling from the Townsend Institute at Concordia University (Irvine, CA) was a tremendous experience, as I learned how the latest discoveries in neuroscience fit together perfectly with the timeless truths of Scripture.

It is my strong conviction that every individual has infinite worth and purpose, although our lived experiences may cause us to lose sight of this. I work primarily with adults, helping them overcome anxiety or depression, work through grief, cultivate healthy relationships, and adjust to the changes and challenges that come with aging. It is a profound privilege to be used by God to help others find hope and healing.

The psychologist Carl Rogers said the three greatest gifts a therapist can offer a client are unconditional positive regard, accurate empathy, and genuineness. Being able to offer these three gifts, along with evidence-based therapeutic methods, is deeply fulfilling for me. I use a combination of therapeutic interventions, including Psychodynamic Therapy, Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), and Motivational Interviewing. I have also been certified by the Trauma Healing Institute.

My husband Ron and I have been married for 42 years. We have three children who have grown up to become our very best friends and (so far) three treasured grandchildren.
